Serve a Purpose
our mission
At Trail Sick we aim for greatness on all fronts. We want to host the best races, provide the best experiences, and share our passion for life with all other awesome humans. In starting up the War Daddy race we had one goal in mind, bring awareness to the area we cherish most. Eastern Kentucky has been our training grounds since day one and we want to share its beauty, it’s hospitality, and it’s great culture with everyone. When the coal industry went under the small towns in and around the Appalachian Mountains began to suffer. These towns need us now more than ever and we are here to do our part in driving up that outdoor tourism and putting Eastern Kentucky on the map as a great place to ride bikes and enjoy the great outdoors.
War daddy Support
After our first race in 2019 we provided a generous donation to the Appalachian Foundation to help students that are enrolled in the Bluegrass and Traditional Music College in Hyden, Kentucky. Since year one we have found different ways to give back to our community with book donations to local kids, bike donations to some high school students and began donation to youth cycling teams. In recent months we’ve put forth efforts to help out with local trails by providing services that enhance the building of the new trails and to help maintain old ones. Our Trail Sick Team loves to give back and show our gratitude to others. We want to continue growing the sport of cycling and continue getting the youth involved in the sport we all love and enjoy.
Sandlin’s shred
Willie Sandlin was a war hero who received the Medal of Honor for his action during WWI. After the war he lived the remainder of his life in Hyden. Struggling throughout his military career with illiteracy, he came home with the mission to better his education and started taking night classes in hopes to become a proficient reader. Being able to read and write is one of the most important skills we hope to develop to be more successful in life. In Sergeant Sandlin’s honor we too want to pass along his passion for literacy. Therefore we are encouraging everyone that races, volunteers, or just simply wants to be part of our mission to bring a book to be donated to those in need.